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The Future has Arrived

Our companies misssion is to put a flying car called Skyhopper in the air. We believe that our flight system is the easiest and saftest way for the ordinary person to fly. Our avionics cockpit system is the best connection between pilot and aircraft. Our concept will help innovate and fix the problem of mass individual flight. Read below to learn more about the vision for our startup company, or get in touch to setup a meeting. 

People Want to Fly!
Skyhopper is the Answer.

How Drivable Flight is Achieved

Self-guided Take-offs

Skyhopper is a smart aircraft offering 360Ëš sensors and cameras and the latest in lane centering obstacle avoidance software for hands free,  computer controlled take-offs.

Drive the Sky

  • Our avionics cockpit system is designed to stabilize and maintain a fixed altitude throughout the course of flight. 

  • Familiar car-like cockpit controls ensure seamless transition from customer to pilot. 

Self-guided Landings

Skyhopper takes the anxiety out of landing. We have come to the golden age of aeronautics. Our technological  revolution has brought us to the point that we can now automate by computer the safest and most reliable hands-free landings.

Value Proposition



What core value do we deliver to our audience?

​Our core value is to offer personal flight in a passenger drone platform.


What need are you satisfying?

Giving personal flight direct competition with the automotive industry. 


Key Activities



What key activities does your value proposition require?​

Establish a passenger drone platform in the aerospace industry through research and development, production and marketing.


What activities are most important for your distribution channels, customer relationships, revenue streams, etc.?

The first key activity is research and development to explore the design of the product, production costs, the timeline of the finished product and quality checks in collaboration with our team. The next key activity is production. This includes selection of the right technology, machines and selection of production capacity. The third key activity is marketing. Marketing is key in order to identify strengths and weaknesses of the product, as well as potential competitors or partnerships. Other aspects of marketing include communications, sales support and special events.

Key Resources



What key resources does your value proposition require?

  • Physical resources: includes establishing landing zones in urban areas for passenger drone operation, land and infrastructure for specialized drone production and manufacturing.


  • Intellectual resources: have established a patent pending . In need of additional patents, copyrights, software creation, proprietary knowledge, intellectual property rights establishment and even partnerships.


  • Financial resources: need capital investments to pay for key resources. 


  • Human resources: In need of engineers in the aerospace industry.

Key Partners



Who are your key potential partners/suppliers?, Google, Tesla, 7-Eleven, Ford, Airbus, NASA, Armed Forces


What are the most important motivations for the potential partnerships?

The opportunity for these companies to expand their goods and services will be increased when partnering with our companies' goods and services. These potential

partnerships can lead to exponential growth for our company and our partners. This is obtained through the ability to expand the range of goods and services provided to our consumers, which leads to increased revenue streams. 


*special note: the armed forces application of our passenger drone platform for troop deployment will be unmatched on the battlefield.




Audience Segments



Which groups are you creating value for?

Drivers with long commutes and companies that wish to have a delivery passenger drone platform. Our platform also has a strong potential for a military application. 


Take hold of the Sky and Drive!


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